Pastoral Sheep Operations and Lamb Feedlots
Agribiz provides veterinary, consulting, research, nutrition, animal welfare, hygiene and biosecurity services to leading animal agri-businesses and service providers worldwide.

Nutritional Services
Nutritional inspections of sheep and lamb feed lots including pastoral operations
Least cost ration formulations to optimise profitability for feedlots
Nutrient supplementation strategies
Pasture management and feedlot ration formulation
Feed commodity selection, handling, quality assurance and storage strategies
Forage crop management advice including silage production, storage & management
Selection of feed mixing and handling equipment for intensive sheep and lamb operations
Gross margin analysis
Veterinary Services
Comprehensive health management consulting service including live export / transportation of sheep
Disease diagnostics and epidemiology
Advice on veterinary medicines, vaccines and herd health programs
Low antibiotic usage programs and strategies
Biosecurity inspections and programs
Hygiene inspections and programs
Animal welfare inspection and programs based on market access
Advice on worm control and the management of fly strike
Purchasing, Approvals, Transport and Exporting
Advice on sheep selection and purchasing to satisfy market requirements
Assistance in sourcing of animals according to international export standards
Assistance with export approvals
Advice on the supply of semen and embryos
Advice on live export procedures and transport programs
Quality and Inspection Services
Mutton and lamb feedlots, logistics and holding yards
By-product, value adding and further processing plants
HACCP, GMP, quality manuals, hygiene, biosecurity plans and audits
Standard work instructions, staff training and internal controls
Abattoir hygiene standards and inspections
Quality Assurance programs for export approval
General and Operations Management
Advice on sales and marketing strategies
Advice on financial reporting of sheep meat supply chains
Benchmark KPI’s of leading sheep meat supply companies
Analysis of product mix, margins and optimisation of profit
Value adding, packaging and marketing of products
Operational planning
Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Supply chain audits and support services
Complete supply chain supporting services, including marketing and management advice and supply chain audits, e.g. product mix, margin analysis and optimisation of profit
Value adding of products, packaging and marketing
Recall and traceability systems
Greenfield Developments / Business Expansion / Project Management
Project management of large integrations from concept / prefeasibility / feasibility / scoping / financial control systems / market access / site selection / approvals / tenders / construction / commissioning of complete mutton and lamb supply chains
Meat by product processing plants, e.g. offal, hide and meat and bone meal production
Economic analysis, financial modelling and business plans
The design of mutton and lamb feedlots including specifications for dimensions, equipment, feed and water storage, services, alarms, controllers, cooling and ventilation systems including construction advice of abattoirs
Preparation of building and development applications
Project management of construction
Advice on feedlot information systems
Site based management environment plans
Best practice management of odour, effluent and solid waste materials
Advice on sustainability, energy management and biogas systems

Farming Management
Advice of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of all stages of sheep and lamb production
Advice on developing leading methods for farming sheep and lambs
Advice regarding facilities and farming equipment
Assessment of the capability of personnel, farm management and staff
Advice regarding optimising animal comfort and seasonal strategies
Advice on improving feed efficiency and farm productivity
Sheep Production and Animal Welfare Research
Assessment of growth rate and feed efficiency
Addressing animal welfare issues
Measurement of animal welfare during transport and holding

Sheep Station Manager / Feed Lot Manager Training
Monitoring of sheep comfort levels
Reading and using psychometric charts
Temperature and Humidity Index
Feed storage strategies for feed lots
How to operate ventilation and cooling systems for feed lots
The early detection of disease and treating sick animals
Assessment of animal welfare
Optimising the environment controllers for animal comfort
Management of moisture and manure in feedlots
Heat transfer, ventilation and feedlot structures
Understanding how to read local weather data
Developing effective biosecurity programs
Developing effective animal welfare programs
Effective newborn and weaning practices
Developing effective hygiene programs
Optimising finishing growth rates
How to understand and calculate beef operation KPI’s
Understanding vaccination programs and immunity